Friday, May 22, 2009

What Should You Do When You Have a Cold?

When I catch a cold, I would drink a lot of hot water, and protect my neck from cold and wind by wearing scarf; of course, taking a lot of vitamin C, it also a good way to make you feel better.

If I am still not getting better, then I will go to see a doctor, taking some medicines as doctor's instruction. If possible, I will take a day off and getting enough sleep will also help.

There is a lot of traditional methods you can do, if you catch a cold, but not very serious. You might have heard from your mother or your grandmother in the past that chicken soup is the cure for the common cold. Also, you can make a cup of hot tea with honey; it might let you feel better. But no matter how to use the way to abate your cold, I think you should see a doctor, you never know that what has happened, it could be viral fever. Take care!

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