Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Give Them a Big Hand!

As you know, thousands of puppies are bought every day everywhere in Taiwan. But when cute puppies grow up; they become more and more bigger and difficult to look after. As a result, many are abandoned on the streets. Therefore, people who want a dog as pet should consider adopting an adult dog from a shelter before they want to purchase a puppy.

If people adopt an adult dog as a pet, they will know exactly what they are getting. They can see the dog's character, size, and health, and decide if it suits their lifestyle. I think that there would be fewer dogs to be mercy killing, and fewer dogs on the street. If more people adopted adult dogs from shelter, breeders would have to produce fewer puppies. It would help reduce the number of stray dogs.

In conclusion, adopting adult dogs from shelters instead of buying puppies from pet stores would reduce suffering, save money, and help keep our cities become more beautiful. Please love your dog then don't abandond them. They are your faithful friends.

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