Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Target Will be Achieved!

I never thought that I could finish 33 English essays by myself, and put them into my own English blog. It's broken my personal record. It is really cheered me up and finds a lot of fulfillment. In the past months, I tried to do my best to find the topic then wrote it. Sometimes I got stuck, and didn't know how to do it; but finally, I can solve it and learn more writing skill from internet, books or other persons.

Only write more than seven essays including this one. Then I can achieve the teacher's assignment. So I have to keep going to write it, I believe that I can do it at the end of May. Gradually, I feel that I could more and more easily to express my feeling.

It's a good experience in writing, and I think it also a good way to practice it. To tell the truth, I think I have become a person who loves to write in English, no matter how good or bad grammar is. But if someone can give me some comments to my grammar of essays anytime, that will be more perfect!

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