Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Heart was Bleeding!

I didn't went out to buy some essentials over two weeks. I checked my refrigerator out but it was nothing in it. So, I decided to buy some articles for daily use yesterday. I usually ride my motorcycle to go shopping, because it can save a lot of gasoline fees, and you don't have to worry about parking space. Especially for the tough day within this unemployed time period. I have to try to save my pocket for everything. Even though I have a governmental relief payment, but I must save more money for any possible rainy day!

I have a lot of essentials have to buy; therefore, I have no choice but to drive my car to go shopping. Something happened at that time and I even didn't knew it. When I finished the shopping then got ready to drive my car...I was shocked! Because I found my car's right tire from back was totally damaged. Oh my God~! What should I do? It's 3:30pm in the afternoon, I have to pick up my children, they were waiting for me. I become nervous, then I made a phoned call to my husband. As you know, women are not familiar with the car things, especially for me! I am a Car Idiot! My husband saved my life!

Finally, we have my car fixed, and checked another tires for safety. Then my husband decided to change another three tires; of course, the totally repaired fees were eight thousand dollars for four tires. My heart was bleeding! When can I earn that money back!

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