Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Wish I Have a Good Luck!

I answered a phone call that came from one of my apply for companies in this afternoon, I was surprised and excited. They made a appointment with me for interview the day after tomorrow. After a long... long waiting, I finally got a response from one of hired companies. But I have a little nervous, because I almost forgot how to prepare the interview; I had worked for my previous company since 1996. It's been a long time I didn't looking for a job. I even didn't have formal suit to wear. How do I prepare my interview?

To be honest, I haven't enough confident. Whatever! the first thing is I should calm down then check any possible information for this company from internet. Secondly, you have to know what you want and your capability. Thirdly, prepare any possible questions which interviewer could ask you. I think that is important thing you have to do.

There is a Chinese proverb to say "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat." I hope I would have good luck for the interview on 5/14. I am looking forward to visiting this company. God bless me!

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