Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dogs And Cats As a Pet

Most people have raised dogs or cats as a pet. Some people like to raise a dog, but some people like to raise cats instead. When you consider raising dogs or cats as a pet, you need to know what their differences between dogs and cats are. Then you can decide which one is suitable for you.

Firstly, dogs need taken for walks so it's good exercise for the owner, but cats can go out and do their business by themselves. Secondly, dogs can learn tricks, then you can take them to dog shows, whereas you can’t teach cats to learn tricks easily; they are happy to entertain themselves by sleeping and hunting, but they quickly learn what they are allowed to do and not do.

Finally, dogs can guard your house. However, some cats spend their entire time outdoors only coming back for food.In conclusion, the dog’s characters are unlike cat’s characters. Dogs are passionate and dependent, but cats are emotionless and independent. If you want to choose one of them as a pet, you have to think about their difference, and then select which one is your favorite.

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