Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How nice you are!

In this month, I heard the words-"How nice you are!" "You are a nice person." for several times. Normally, it's a compliment. I think that everyone likes to hear it, but for me after I faced the embarrassed situation in this morning, I really want to say that I don't like it. Maybe I think too much. Maybe...but I felt so sad and my feeling got hurt again. I am too easy believing someone, and not good at negotiate with craftiness person. I try to trust them, the result is they just treat me like a silly girl, the purpose they want to do is obtain the benefit from you, they don't care how you feel and I almost to become a victim. They just set me up on purpose, and let me jump into this trap. I am really so stupid, I made a terrible mistake.

He blame on me. I tried to explain the cause and effect, but he didn't want to listen to what I said. I felt so frustrated. And then, I can't stand for it anymore, I have lost my temper. I spoken to him louder and louder on the phone. He knew I was angry, then we stop talking. So, I slow down my voice, and explain to him. Luckily, I can prove my words is true. The email will be shown everything what I said.
All the things happened today, let me learn about something. Don't trust the fist meet person who say a sweet/compliment words to you. Be careful, maybe he/she is on-going to set you up on purpose. "Silence is golden."


  1. Don't depress about that . Job just a job .
    Finally, we will leave this job , leave him. We will come back to our life . Let's go . TO find our new life. Good Luck . Lydia

  2. Dear Lydia,

    Yes, job just a job,especially for the job we have now. Finally, we can get rid of this messy situation. I believe that we made a good choice, and we can find the best way out for our new life. Take care and thank you for your great support in the past years.

    I have started missing you all.....

    Good Luck.
