Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How I Spend a Typical Day

I am in charge of material forecast and inventory control at Global Service Center. My position is a supervisor. I usually arrive at the office at 8:30. When I arrive at the office, I turn on my NB, then check my emails and reply or assign the issues to my team members and follow it up.

After that, I call a staff meeting with my team to discuss the Daily Production Schedule and to see any pending issues which need to be solved. Then, I check my agenda and make some phone calls to related department to check the material shortage status and push buyers to get the ETD from vendors as quickly as they can. After that, I update the shortage report to Sales department and commit the delivery schedule, then make sure the goods will be delivered on time.

Also, I have to review the inventory status and generate the excess report to director and financial department. According to the excess list then to deal with vendors and try to sell out the excess parts so that can reduce the inventory amount. During the break time in the afternoon, I have a cup of coffee, then have a meeting with Service Center in China to discuss the new project’s material preparation and confirm the target date, then announce the meeting minutes to related person. That’s my typical day. Busy and tired!!

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