Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exciting Day!

Today is an exciting day! We didn't have to work because we all took a job-seeking leave and got together to gossip about everything.
It's been a while I didn't went out with my friends, because I have to take care of my kids, go to work, and go back to school on Saturday and Sunday.
To be honest, I really have a lot of pressure in this couple of months, and I am going to crazy. It's time to release the pressure. We went to one of my colleagues's home, and bought pizzas, a lot of fruit, drinks, and cookies. Then we went to KTV to sing a song and got rid of every uncomfortable thing which happened at work. It's really a exciting and happy day. My colleagues, we are the best of Service team, no one can deny it, we have worked together for 10 years. It's time to say good-bye and take care!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How nice you are!

In this month, I heard the words-"How nice you are!" "You are a nice person." for several times. Normally, it's a compliment. I think that everyone likes to hear it, but for me after I faced the embarrassed situation in this morning, I really want to say that I don't like it. Maybe I think too much. Maybe...but I felt so sad and my feeling got hurt again. I am too easy believing someone, and not good at negotiate with craftiness person. I try to trust them, the result is they just treat me like a silly girl, the purpose they want to do is obtain the benefit from you, they don't care how you feel and I almost to become a victim. They just set me up on purpose, and let me jump into this trap. I am really so stupid, I made a terrible mistake.

He blame on me. I tried to explain the cause and effect, but he didn't want to listen to what I said. I felt so frustrated. And then, I can't stand for it anymore, I have lost my temper. I spoken to him louder and louder on the phone. He knew I was angry, then we stop talking. So, I slow down my voice, and explain to him. Luckily, I can prove my words is true. The email will be shown everything what I said.
All the things happened today, let me learn about something. Don't trust the fist meet person who say a sweet/compliment words to you. Be careful, maybe he/she is on-going to set you up on purpose. "Silence is golden."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Forecast always is a forecast

To whom may concerned,

We did have put the monthly rolling forecast into your site since X company time period till now, some parts are missed it's because customer's rush order, customers didn't provide forecast for us and sometimes it's quality issues, it's the root cause that we can't predict exactly.

Frankly speaking, we are facing the bad situation due to the policy has been changed during this x'fer time period, and we had gotten the insturction that we were not allow to do too more potential forecast unless our customers can provide their forecast for us. Unfortunately, most of them didn't/unwilling provide the forecast for us; therefore, we have no choice to adopt the conservative methods to do the demand.

Moreover, "Forecast always is a forecast", especially for Service demands, though we had predicted the forecast by ourselves. Yes, most of projects has been EOPL, but it doesn't mean Service is end of life, and we still have to do five to seven years service life, how we could build over 100 projects which still in service period by one time and take the high risky for our inventory$, it's really unacceptable, it must be increased our huge inventory cost.

We will do our best to push our customers provide us with forecast in the near future, and will try to calculate more positive forecast, but please be understood that we really need you all to pay more attention for service demands, and thanks for all of you for the fully support.

I rememberred that we have deal the rule with your site's colleagues- if it's EOPL products, when customers still have Service demands, we will follow the new build lead time which confirmed by your site, normally it's one month, and we are still following up this rule.

Deeply sorry for this inconvenience, and will overall to review the EOPL project as soon as we can.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

When people say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, they mean that the person who complains or protests the loudest attracts attention and service. At work, if you always keep silent, just work hard. Then your boss maybe thought that you don't mind your salary, your promotion...etc. They will give you more and more jobs to you, and you will feel exhausting, then you afriad of to talk with your boss. God bless you! you should speak up to get what you want. According to my working experiance of thirteen years, I alway can see that those of colleagues who complains or protests the loudest, they always can be watched and got the promotion promptly. Then others will jealous, but afriad of speak it out.

We always afriad of to talk with other persons what's your really feeling, what are you thinking? We always afriad of to express your feelings to someone you care. That's too bad! I think. Life is short, we should not only to express yourself in your job but also grasp best moment with your love and friends. One thing I have to remind you that once you try to let your boss know your complains, please make sure you have confident that you really are a valuable person for your company, or maybe you are the next one to be laid off! Good luck!

How I Spend a Typical Day

I am in charge of material forecast and inventory control at Global Service Center. My position is a supervisor. I usually arrive at the office at 8:30. When I arrive at the office, I turn on my NB, then check my emails and reply or assign the issues to my team members and follow it up.

After that, I call a staff meeting with my team to discuss the Daily Production Schedule and to see any pending issues which need to be solved. Then, I check my agenda and make some phone calls to related department to check the material shortage status and push buyers to get the ETD from vendors as quickly as they can. After that, I update the shortage report to Sales department and commit the delivery schedule, then make sure the goods will be delivered on time.

Also, I have to review the inventory status and generate the excess report to director and financial department. According to the excess list then to deal with vendors and try to sell out the excess parts so that can reduce the inventory amount. During the break time in the afternoon, I have a cup of coffee, then have a meeting with Service Center in China to discuss the new project’s material preparation and confirm the target date, then announce the meeting minutes to related person. That’s my typical day. Busy and tired!!

The Comparison of Job between a Human Resource Officer and a Fashion Buyer

As a human resources (HR) officer, you must have a clear understanding of your organization's business objectives and be able to devise and implement policies which select, develop and retain the right staff needed to meet these objectives. The advantages are to learn about each organization’s vision, mission and value; the disadvantage is that you will be given a lot of responsibility at an early stage, and the job is invariable.

As a fashion buyer, they must have ability to find out what the key items of the season are and to see how people shop. Also, they work with design team and suppliers to put together a range. The advantage is you can learn more about the fashion, and the job is flexible. The disadvantage is always under pressure than HR officer.

In conclusion, HR officer provides administration services for the recruitment and employment of staff. Fashion buyer got to know what these key items are and then translate them into the right fabric, shape, and price. No matter how the job is, it’s depends on what kind of jobs you are interested or not.

An Inconvenient Truth Comments

I think that overall it's a good film, actually, it explains the facts very well, Gore tried to highlight the problems we have had on the earth. We have to face up our environment has been destroyed rapidly. For instance, greenhouse gas had caused the effect of global warming. The temperature has became more and more high than before; then more and more disasters caused many people died-e.g. hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons. Recently, you can hear the news from TV, i.e. the glacier are melting rapidly.

Some people maybe disagree with Gore's presentation, but no matter whether the film is political, scientific, or real, misleading; global warming is there, and you can see that it has impacted our livelihood. No one can deny it.
To be a member of global village, everyone has responsibility to protect our environment and confront the global warming's crisis, we should work together to find the way out, then solve the problems.

Six children cannot take care of one mother?

I think that it depends on the relationship between the parent and the children. If it was a bad relationship then I believe that most children will not take care of the parent. I think a good indicator is how close the children live to the parent.

When children grow up and become adults, they usually have their own lives, most of them tear themselves away from their native place, or move out from parents's house.

However, it is unfortunate that the "normal" way of life these days puts a lot of pressure on adults,it is hard enough for a child to take care of their own children, let alone their aging parents.

I think that each of the six children has different priorities. Some may be relieved that they have a sibling who will take care of Mom so they don't have to.

Personally, I am raising my children to be competent, responsible, and independent. I never want to be a burden to them when they are grown and have their own families. But, I would hope that I raised them to always love and respect me enough that they would want to help me when I am aging if I needed them.

My Identities

My English name is Kitty Hsu. I live in Kwei-Shan County. My hobbies are reading, singing, watch movies, and cook delicious foods for my family. I have two daughters. They are study at elementary school.

Currently, I work for a NB ODM(Original Design Manufacturing ) factory and I am in charge of material planning for Global Service Center. I have been assigned a supervisor for one years

I think that I am serious and strict person when I work, I always demand my subordinates and myself must do our best for the job and have positive attitudes to solve the problems.
When I came back home, I think that I am a chattering person, because my kids always disorder their stuffs after school, and their bedroom always messy. It makes me going to crazy.

But when I meet with my friends, I think that I am easygoing and friendly person, so I have a lot of friends. I think that there are all my identities.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Troubled Society

I saw the horrible news from TV last night. An unemployed man randomly chose landlords from advertisement of internet, then pretended that he wanted to rent a house and murdered the landlord and tried to kill his wife and son as well. What's wrong with our society? It's really sick in this world. When he was caught by police, I was shocked that the reason why he murdered the victims is because he lost his job for a while and he had bad experience to be defrauded over million dollars; therefore, he have to kill somebody to extend his angry to relsease his pressure.
I think that government have to expedite their policy of economy, try to figure out the efficiency policy to save people, or more and more unemployed person will lose their patience and make more and more troubles in our society.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stand by your side!

When you were born, "An Ku....." that's a nickname that I always calling you. Every night, when you fell asleep, I always love to look at you lovely face with smiling. I knew that you are my whole life and nothing can stop loving you. When you both grow up, everytime you was crying or facing frustrated situation, I will hug you and kiss you again and again, and try to make you happy, then you turn tears into smiles immediately and said "Momy, I love you." When I felt tired after work, you always ran to me and hug me with arms. Finally, I realized that everything is worth for me. I was so happy even though I was tired. You are so sweet, I want you to know that I love you all very much, no matter how difficult in the future, I will support you. Don't give up, Be strong. You will have your own life in the future, momy will stand by your side and watching you, supporting you whenever and forever with my deeply love~

Everything is out of control

I think that busy is good thing for me, it means that you are a lucky guy who didn't yet to be fired, you still can keep the job, earn more money to raise your children, to pay the bills; you don't need to worry about your future's life temporary; especially for the current bad situation of global economic downturn, it was really terrible. But when our manpowers have been decreased from 100 person to 8 person gradually, I felt so sad and angry. I felt sad is because we have worked together for more than ten years, we are families, and have same common, but right now we have to say good bye again and again. I felt angry is because they don't care about our feelings, especially for the person who have to stay. We are overloading with our duties. Overtime without call-back pay is a normal situation and happened to every day. I am going to crazy right now, I don't have any backup person to help me, and I have to hand over all jobs to China, resell all excess stock to brokers, coordinate with vendors for the stortage status and feedback to customer, so many things have to do, and everything is out of control. How can I do?, what should I do? Somebody helps me. Please.....

Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea?

Yes, I prefer tea. Green tea is my favorite ones. I always make a cup of green tea and sit on the sofa, then watch TV every night. It can make me feel relaxing when I smell and taste the tea. According to the researcher's report, tea is good for your health. It can prevent the cancers, and prolong your life. Green tea is also popular in Japan. If you have been to Japan, you would see they must have a cup of tea after meals. But if I feel tired at work, I would have a cup of coffee to refresh my mind. Coffee has more stronger caffeine than tea to refresh your tired body, but no matter what kind of drinks you do like, don't drink too much, or it will bad for your body.

For more information, you may link to this path.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Feet

It is an animated movie. I saw this movie from HBO. I like this kind of movie; it is really proper you and your kids to watch it together. It can let you feel relax, no stress, and teach you how to deal with people, and everyone should open his mind to accept everyone's different and admire others different. In this animated movie, Mumble is an Emperor penguin who has a big problem. He doesn’t possess the ability to sing like other penguins. Instead, he can tap dance. He is totally different with other penguins, he likes dance. Because this different feature, everyone thinks that he was strange and don’t really like him. He felt frustrated, and he decided to travel around the world. Then, he meets new friends who accept him with open arms. With his newfound pals, Mumble goes in search of the true cause of the famine. Finally, he found the root cause was made by human, then he saved his family. Recommend you to watch it.