Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Election Day

Today was a election day,so we didn't have to go to school. I was happy and relaxed. Finally, I could take a break and enjoy this wonderful Saturday after a hard working in this month. I got up at 10:00am,then had breakfast with my kids and did my homework. Everything was perfect and felt great."No more job." I told myself. Recently, I wholly out of control in my new job, I did told my boss, I couldn't overcome this tough work, I wasn't the right person to take this job. I wanted to quit, but they disagreed with me. Time can prove everything, I hope I could get rid of it early so that I can concentrate on my study. Only half year left, then I can graduate from university. Therefore, I can't give it up. I know what I want that's why I insisit on my decision. To tell the truth, I have bad feeling for the situation that I have faced. Hope it will not come true. Whatever! Wonderful day shouldn't be wasted. I decided to take my kids went out for dinner, I really appreciated my family. Without their support, I couldn't imagine whether I can conquer it or not. I have a different feeling for the election, thanks official gave us this wonderful day. Although, I didn't go to voting.

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