Sunday, December 27, 2009

Greatest Invention

I think that internet is the greatest invention in human history. We can learn about anything without leaving home. And then communicate with friends or strangers on the other side of the world quickly and easily by using e-mail, MSN, Yahoo or Skype. There are many benifits you must know.

First, blog is so popular as well, and you can use this way to get close to your friends and your family. It saves our time to communite with each other. Second, any information you want to know, just surf the internet, then it will be quickly find the way out. Third, teachers assign homework via internet without paper. Also,bussiness can send files to other companies in a second. Moreover, if you like to share your photos,you can upload your pictures via internet too. And it's all for free.

The internet is helping worldwide to become a global village. It helps us to learn more about different cultures from other countries. I love chatting with friends via internet. Through internet, we can buy anything you need, and compare the price to other vendors. What a greatest invention we have! How did our forbear survive without it?

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