Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life is Short!

It's been a while I didn't went home to see my parents due to I was too busy to see them. I love my parents very much! They are very kind persons and they set a good example for me. They taught me a lot and told me that no matter anything you do,you have to be yourself, and being a responsible person. I also use this way to teach my kids. Today was another off day for school, so I decided to go home. When I called my mom, I could heard she was very happy. I arrived at home about 1:30 pm. After had lunch, mom told me that my cousin died in cancer last week. What a shock! How come? She just 30 years old. I don't know how to use the word to express my feelings. She was a good girl. That's really unfair! God bless her soul! Life is short! We should spare more time to get along with our family. There is Chinese proverb to say "The tree cannot be still for the wind. The child cannot support the parents for themselves." Please don't say "I don't have time!" If you want, time will be under your control!

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