Monday, December 28, 2009

Vaccine Doubts
Following are the essay which extracted from the Taiwan News on internet:
"Pediatricians at major medical institutions confirmed yesterday that the number of school children receiving A(H1N1) vaccine shots has declined sharply over the past week, primarily due to concerns over the safety of the vaccine after the 7-year-old boy died several weeks after being immunized.The doctors, however, still recommended that parents should get their children immunized because the benefits far outweigh the risks."

What should I do? Everything has its risk, but when it happened again and again how could I believe that it will be safe. Students shouldn't treat as a tester for any uncertain issues. The official couldn't explain why so many cases have been occurred again and again. It's really hard to persuade everyone to believe it's the lowest risky.

I have two kids who are studying at elementary school. Of course, they all did the vaccine shots last month. When I saw the news which related with the children who suspected death of vaccine shots. I was so worried about it. I think that government shouldn't just try to carry out the policy, but have neither alternatives nor skills of problem-solving. After all,"A case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care."

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