Monday, November 23, 2009

My Country Has Several Interesting Places to Visit

Taiwan is a beautiful country where have many scenery and interesting place you can visit.

The first place is Nanliao Port in Green Island. Nanliao port is a fishing port in the Taitung region with a long dock where can watch many kinds of fishing boats. The port is located on a coral reef coast. The scenery is very beautiful, and there are many seafood in the port.

The second place is Sun Moon Lake. The largest natural lake in Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake is rounded in the east and shaped like a crescent moon in the western portion. The lake is surrounded by mountains and features an island in the middle.

The third place is Cingjing Veterans Farm. Cingjing Veterans Farm is a farm in Pingtung where a group of soldiers settled it in Taiwan. The farm is surrounded by gorges and forests and contains grasslands, a Swiss garden and park within it.

In conclusion, these three of popular place are more interesting than other places in Taiwan and you can enjoy delicacies and admire beautiful sunset in Nanliao Port or take your time to visit the Sun Moon Lake, to see the beautiful scenery. Cingjing Veterans Farm will be the best place to stay a night. The fresh air and grassland will make you relax.

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