Sunday, November 22, 2009

Required Homework in Colleges Classes is Necessary

Homework is very important for students around the world. Required homework is not only necessary for young children but also for the students of college. There is a proverb to say: “Practice makes perfect.” I believe that homework is a good way to gain more skills, get extra learning, and avoid wasting time. Therefore, there are three reasons to support my topic.
The first reason is explaining that homework can help students to develop good social skills, give students more opportunities to practice their skills, and also prepare them for any jobs they have in the future. My sister-in-law, a teacher of primary school, said, “Only you can put into practice what have you learned, then you will become more competitive in your job.”
The second reason is homework can keep students from watching television, playing computer games all day. The BBC reporter said: “The percentages of students studying less than one hour per week, it has nearly doubled (from 8.5 to 15.9 percent) over the past 15 years.” If they don’t have homework then they will spend their most of time in playing games, surf internet and spend precious time with friends without any reason. When they go back to school then they don’t like to study, furthermore, they would never go over their lessons.
The final reason is homework can give students the confidence they need. For instance, if they can pass a hard subject question, and then worked it out, they would have self-confidence.
In conclusion, required homework in college classes is necessary and very important; it can provide additional practice in solving problems, learning more techniques, making students less lazy and becoming more confident. Hence, it is the great way to gain more extra learning and shouldn’t be banned.

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