Tuesday, December 29, 2009

One Place I Want to Go Most

I have never traveled Hong Kong before although it is so close to Taiwan. After listening to the presentation from my classmates last Saturday, I think that HK is an attractive place where I want to go most. It is a paradise of shopping and variety of foods. Because of Hong Kong is a duty-free port; you can buy clothes with cheaper price, and then enjoy the fun of bargain. Why I would like to visit HK? The reason is not only the short distance but also the similar culture to Taiwan.

Communication won't be the problem in Hong Kong at all. And the traveling fees also cheaper than other developed countries. If I have chance to go there, I will priority arrange to visit Disneyland with my kids. It offers a magical adventure in four theme lands. Even though it's not the biggest one in the world, but it still attracts many tourists to visit each year. From now on, I will open a traveling account to save more money, and then enjoy the wonderful vacation next year.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Vaccine Doubts

Following are the essay which extracted from the Taiwan News on internet:
"Pediatricians at major medical institutions confirmed yesterday that the number of school children receiving A(H1N1) vaccine shots has declined sharply over the past week, primarily due to concerns over the safety of the vaccine after the 7-year-old boy died several weeks after being immunized.The doctors, however, still recommended that parents should get their children immunized because the benefits far outweigh the risks."

What should I do? Everything has its risk, but when it happened again and again how could I believe that it will be safe. Students shouldn't treat as a tester for any uncertain issues. The official couldn't explain why so many cases have been occurred again and again. It's really hard to persuade everyone to believe it's the lowest risky.

I have two kids who are studying at elementary school. Of course, they all did the vaccine shots last month. When I saw the news which related with the children who suspected death of vaccine shots. I was so worried about it. I think that government shouldn't just try to carry out the policy, but have neither alternatives nor skills of problem-solving. After all,"A case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Greatest Invention

I think that internet is the greatest invention in human history. We can learn about anything without leaving home. And then communicate with friends or strangers on the other side of the world quickly and easily by using e-mail, MSN, Yahoo or Skype. There are many benifits you must know.

First, blog is so popular as well, and you can use this way to get close to your friends and your family. It saves our time to communite with each other. Second, any information you want to know, just surf the internet, then it will be quickly find the way out. Third, teachers assign homework via internet without paper. Also,bussiness can send files to other companies in a second. Moreover, if you like to share your photos,you can upload your pictures via internet too. And it's all for free.

The internet is helping worldwide to become a global village. It helps us to learn more about different cultures from other countries. I love chatting with friends via internet. Through internet, we can buy anything you need, and compare the price to other vendors. What a greatest invention we have! How did our forbear survive without it?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The New Years Resolution in 2010

Here are my two major resolutions that I am going to do next year.

The first one is “Get a better job”: I will participate in related courses to improve my expertise, and then keep going prepare English exam, and rewrite a resume. This year, we faced economic downturn. Unfortunately, I was the one of unemployed persons. I got a new job last month, but it’s a tough job and I thought I couldn’t overcome it. Therefore, I plan to get a better job next year.

The second one is “Memorize over 5000 vocabularies and read 5 English novels”: I will set a goal to memorize vocabularies which related with TOEIC testing as many as I could, and I hope I can get the TOEIC certificate before on April, 2010. Besides, I will read my top 5 English novels, and write down my comments on English blog. I believe that it can help me to improve the writing and reading skills. That’s my New Years resolutions, and I hope that I could achieve it.

The Important Decision in My Life

Have you ever had to make an important decision that would change your life? People make decisions all the time, but it is impossible to count how many decisions you have made in your lifetime. However, the most important decision can change your life and it can't be forgotten. The most important decision was I made up my mind to go back to school and I have been deeply affected by it.

It happened in 2008. I was a supervisor and worked for a NB OEM factory over ten years. One day, when we held a staff meeting and at the beginning of meeting, all the staffs were sat ready in the meeting room, and then gossiped about one of my colleagues has passed the exam of University and will major in Applied Foreign Languages. Everyone admired her for her determination. My boss suddenly sneered at me, and then said, “You will be impossible to go back to school because you were too busy to do that.” And he continued said, “You were a housewife! You would hardly make it” I couldn’t believe that he was so looked down his nose at me. I was depressed and angry. Finally, I realized that it’s the key reason why I always can’t get the promotion even though I worked so hard and did my best for my job for passed ten years. It’s really unfair.

After that, I decided to apply for the exam of Lunghwa University in the same year. Luckily, I passed the exam and majored in English as well. That’s really bracing me up. Time is short; I have studied at Lunghwa over one year. I never thought that I could overcome it, but I did it. The truth thing was I did play three roles: a mother, a housewife, and a working woman. That is really a biggest challenge to me in my life. I am exhausted, but I tell myself I wouldn’t give it up. Last year, I also faced our company’s merge to foreign company, and next I have been laid off on April, 2009. At last, I become an unemployed person until on October, 2009.

During unemployed period, I have a chance to look backward and forward carefully, and then thought about what the most important thing in my near future is. The answer was kept going back to school, learning English well. Because I went back to school for study, my English abilities have become more and more progressed. I also became more and more confident to speak English. The decision I made changing my life. Because of the background at Lunghwa University, I got a new job recently, although it’s a tough job, no matter I could conquer it or not. But I have confidence to face any difficult situation.

Most of people have to make important decisions during their lifetime, but people should be sure of what they choose because of it depends their happiness and joy.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life is Short!

It's been a while I didn't went home to see my parents due to I was too busy to see them. I love my parents very much! They are very kind persons and they set a good example for me. They taught me a lot and told me that no matter anything you do,you have to be yourself, and being a responsible person. I also use this way to teach my kids. Today was another off day for school, so I decided to go home. When I called my mom, I could heard she was very happy. I arrived at home about 1:30 pm. After had lunch, mom told me that my cousin died in cancer last week. What a shock! How come? She just 30 years old. I don't know how to use the word to express my feelings. She was a good girl. That's really unfair! God bless her soul! Life is short! We should spare more time to get along with our family. There is Chinese proverb to say "The tree cannot be still for the wind. The child cannot support the parents for themselves." Please don't say "I don't have time!" If you want, time will be under your control!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Election Day

Today was a election day,so we didn't have to go to school. I was happy and relaxed. Finally, I could take a break and enjoy this wonderful Saturday after a hard working in this month. I got up at 10:00am,then had breakfast with my kids and did my homework. Everything was perfect and felt great."No more job." I told myself. Recently, I wholly out of control in my new job, I did told my boss, I couldn't overcome this tough work, I wasn't the right person to take this job. I wanted to quit, but they disagreed with me. Time can prove everything, I hope I could get rid of it early so that I can concentrate on my study. Only half year left, then I can graduate from university. Therefore, I can't give it up. I know what I want that's why I insisit on my decision. To tell the truth, I have bad feeling for the situation that I have faced. Hope it will not come true. Whatever! Wonderful day shouldn't be wasted. I decided to take my kids went out for dinner, I really appreciated my family. Without their support, I couldn't imagine whether I can conquer it or not. I have a different feeling for the election, thanks official gave us this wonderful day. Although, I didn't go to voting.