Friday, October 30, 2009

The Toyota Way

Recently, I got a book from our company. It's called "The Toyota Way". I was surprised that I have been told I must to read it within two weeks and wrote it down with my comments, and then do presentation after next week. How can I use the limit time to read it. It's a big challenge. Why I said that was because I really exhausted in the past two weeks. I have overtime for my job until midnight every day. To tell the truth, I hope that I could get rid of it. But it's an assignment from my new company. I have to show something about it. Our VP said all team members have to study it. And list top three faults, then tell team members how to solve it. The only thing I can do is just quickly overview, make a point. It's the best way to achieve the target. The book is on my desk right now. I quickly overview it, and I found that I can learn many correct concept to improve my daily jobs. For example, in this book, they mention all procedure must consider about the cost and have to make a target and then expedite the procedure, and then do the right thing. It’s new start, I hope I can make it.

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