Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friend or Enemy?

Everyone may agree that we can't live without friends. We need friends to support and help each other not only in your daily life but also in your job career and school life. Recently, I felt so depressed because I met a new colleague in the new job. I tried to be friendly with her, but she seemed not accept me all the time. I didn't know why. Is it about my attitude? Is it about my behavior? Did I say something wrong? I was wondering and didn't know how to solve the bad relationship, even though I am an adult, and I have more social experience. To tell the truth, I am not good at to make friends, that's what I want to try my best to learn it more. Maybe I should ignore her reaction, but I can't. I am not angry with her, because I am old enough to be her aunt. I just tell myself "If you want people return the smile to you, you have to smile first!" "Forgive the person who hurt you, then you will be treat well yourself." After long consideration, I decided to give up this job opportunity, and choose the other new job. I don’t want to be her enemy. Please don’t misunderstanding, that’s not the key reason I want to quit the job. I just want to choose the more suitable job. Wishing all goes well.

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