Thursday, April 16, 2009

The First Day of Unemployment

Today is my first day of unemplyment. Everyone seems same as normal-get up early in the morning, take kids to school, then go to work.

But for me, I can sleep late, kiss goodbye with my kids and my husband. Yeah! I can finally get rid of the hard/unreasonable job-overtime day after day without call-back pay, and no backup person to fully support you. I never feared hardships. But to be honest, I was sick and tired of my job for a while, but don't misunderstand--of course, I was reluctant to give my job away, after all, I have taken care of it for 13 years, and I believed that I was doing well. I love my job!! The reason why I so eagerly quit the job is because I was disappointed with someone's policy-- Thoughtlessly and shilly-shally; It's normal situation when you heard about the instruction will be changed again and again, everything is out of control, for the team, it's really hard to follow it up; therefore, I decided to be laid off, I don't want to be added in the employee list.

Maybe you think I was so stupid, why not just hang on it, you have economic pressure, you have to raise your two kids, it's not a good time to find a new job in this economic downturn. Well, thanks but no thanks. It's hard to explain what I thought. Sometimes, you have to make a choice, no matter good or bad, you have to take it and enjoy it. The relaxation is for a high quality life.

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