Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1.6 mil. children under 12 using the Internet in Taiwan

"According to a 2009 report of the Taiwan Network Information Center (TNIC), 1.04 million children under the age of 12 were Internet users in 2004. Five years later, that figure has risen to 1.6 million, with a growth rate of approximately 54 percent, it said. "(from http://www.studentpost.com.tw/news/default.asp?sIssue=1124)

I was surprised and worried when I saw this news. To be a mom, I don't want my kids to spend too much time to surf internet, then ingore their responsibility. You have to make a rule for them, and watch them. On the other hand, internet is good and become very convenience for everyone to check anything you want to know. Unfortunately, it also have many traps for teenagers, let them addict to the games, chat rooms, and blue films...etc. Parents should be careful and pay more attention to care about your kids what they are doing, to avoid your kids addicting to those games, and teaching them how to protect themself. I think that we all have to take it seriously.

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