Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's time to make a plan

When I was a junior high school student, I can play baseball. I was a pitcher on the baseball team at our school. But we never won the games, it's too shame. After graduated, I never play it anymore. Eventhough we didn't won the game, but I missed that time period that we practice together, and I enjoyed it. I also can play badminton, it's my favorite ones. I always play it with my family on holiday. But recently, I go back to school to learn more English courses; therefore, I rarely have time to play it with my kids. Doing exercise is good for your health, I think that I will have much time to do it right now. Because I am an unemployed person. I should make a schedule to do execrise, yeap...I have many plans have to do...Let me think about it.

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