Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breakfast is important

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Everyone must know that a good breakfast can provide the nutrients for people need to start their day off right.

Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast will do better in school than children who do not.

Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attendance and decreased hyperactivity. Children who don't eat breakfast tend to perform not as well, and also tend to have behavior problems such as fighting, stealing, and not listening to their teachers (from Dr. Ronald Kleinman, Harvard Medical School).

If your child eats breakfast at home, choose a breakfast with
milk, fruit and cereal(grain product). These three foods can provide for a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast does not need to take a lot of time.

Breakfast is indeed a very important meal. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day.

In general, kids and teens who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day. Without breakfast, people can get irritable, restless, and tired. So make time for breakfast — for you and your kids.

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