Tuesday, March 23, 2010

After 30 seconds

I saw a drama, which called "After 30 seconds" on TV this morning. I love this drama because it's funny,lovely and touching. I never thought what will happen within 30 seconds? That is a good question! What could be changed your lifetime? 30 seconds can make the cake for perfect tasting. After 30 seconds, maybe can change your fortune getting the job, falling love with somebody, anything could be happened at the moment.

As the actor said: 30 second, it's a deal for the fishing auction; it's a perfect time to cook a soup of eggs; it's a emergency to save someone's life by car accident; it's a time for someone who was unemployed to wait a job just look around standing at red light to count the number of car have passed by. Too many 30 seconds you have to choice, then to decide.

Life is short, we should treasure our time, so spare more time with your family; don't just sit right there and without any action. "Every dog has his day."

三十秒,是一批漁貨拍賣的交易時間;是煮蛋花湯時,不讓蛋花太老的時間;是妻子遭遇車禍時最需要的救援時間;是失業後每天站在紅綠燈口,數著倒數計時器,計算一次綠燈可以有 幾輛車子經過的時間。 三十秒,也是阿定人生中最需要克服心理障礙、為自己增加自信與勇 氣的時間,因為三十秒過後,就是光明國小校工徵選測驗的開始,阿 定能不能通過測驗,為自己贏得勝利,讓母親與兒子不再挨餓,就看 這一次

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