Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Semester and New Busy Life

The summer vacation will be ended in this weekend. I am still sitting right here and trying to do my fiftieth English essays. I am running out of my words, and don't know how to write my last one. "Yeap! Why not just write something about my training courses?" I was thinking...

Recently, I have taken training courses from Occupation Train Education Association for 39 days. The course is start from Monday to Friday at 9:00 am to 4:30 pm; it's really a hard work for me to sit right there all day. Then you have to pay your fully attention on the courses. I try to do my best to concentrate on the class. But I felt tired and exhausted. After all, it's not my expertise. As I said on the previous essay, it's really a brand new course for me. Luckily, our teachers are the best one, they teach us a lot of skills and encourage us; as they said -we should hang on and don't give it up! They shared their many experiance in seeking for new job.

Therefore, I made up my mind and set a new goal-I hope I can pass the TQC exam after the training course ended. But on this Saturday, I have to go back to LungHwa for new sememter, so how to balance the busy days between training course and LungHwa, it's a new topic to me. But I think I can overcome it.

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