Friday, May 21, 2010


I have been through three time “new comer” within past one year. In the first time, I only stand 10 days, then I gave up because I couldn’t stand their office culture. So weird, quietly, less talk. Everything was totally different with my previous companies. Maybe it could be called “culture shock” as nodouts. Second time, when I came to another company, I was attricated by its famous, even though they told me all process were messy and out of control. I still believed that I could handle it and nothing couldn't solve it. But at the beginning of fist month, I was failed, and got a big challenge in my life. Becasue I have to take care of my home, my schoolworks, and my jobs. It's really so difficult to me to handle everything very well. Except the working style, they are nice and easygoing persons, but if we can't have best teamworks, then it must be improved all procedures. So I decided to quit after two months later. If I couldn't handle well everything, I had better chosen the most important things at this time. I always belive that "Every dog has his day!". And now, I found a more suitable job, and I doing well currently. No matter what will happen in the future. I will do my best to achieve my goal.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Script of My Speech-Part II

Again! It's my last semester, why we seem have to prepare so many presentations,and pratice to speak in front of stage? I feel a lot of pressure on it. In this week, I have to prepare two presentations, one is Public of Speech for final exam. The other is Commerce. I couldn't breathe because how I can complete it within two weeks, especially I have a lot of works in my new job recently. Of course, I also have five English blogs still waiting for me to completed, the deadline also is 5/22. I don't know why everything were gathered together. My brain was empty and just could't think and memorize anything. Inside my mind was really want to escape the difficult position. But I have to learn to solve it. I feel so tired and exhuasted.

Following is my first script for the Public Speech this Saturday, I hope that everything can be under control. Good bless me!

Slide 1:
Good evening, everyone. Let me thank you all for being here today. My name is Kitty Hsu.
Today’s topic will talk about Superstitions.
Superstition can fill people lives with a bit of innocent fun, but they can also be incredibly crippling. The presentation will bring you to know some of the more unusual superstitions that surround food. Many of these superstitions derive from Great Britain. Let’s now get start to overview it.

The presentation will be divided into three parts. First, I will explain what superstition is. Secondly, I will bring you to explore the top Six superstition about food, then to know some interesting things we never heard before. Finally, I will have my conclusion. It will take about three minutes. I will answer your questions after my presentation. So, that’s move on to the next slide.

Are you SUPERSITIOUS? I believe that everyone is superstitious about one thing at least.

“A superstition is a belief or a practice that is not based on facts or events that can be proven.”
So, fist, superstition is…
Second, superstition is..
Finally, superstition is..

If you found a hole in a loaf of bread you cut, it symbolized a coffin and meant that someone was soon to die. Of course, these days we are less likely to cut our own loaves of bread, so this one is likely to die into obscurity.


We all know of the superstition surrounding the spilling of salt, but here is a slightly more unusual one. It used to be considered bad if you helped another person to the salt – there was even a little phrase that evolved from the superstition: “help to salt, help to sorry.”


As you can see on the screen, it’s a Christmas cake. One such superstition says that all members of a family must have a turn stirring the Christmas cake mixture or else bad luck will befall them. Young unmarried girls were especially supposed to have a turn – otherwise they would remain alone for another year.

In many parts of Europe, farmers would take a fresh egg into the fields in the hopes that it would bring a good healthy crop. Eggs were also used to tell fortunes – two yolks would mean a marriage was coming up soon,

In Western (especially American and British) tradition, two people use their pinky finger to break the wishbone. The person who wins the longest piece gets good luck and usually makes a wish.

Wishbones are another superstitious bringer-of-good-luck! The wishbone is one of the bones you find when eating a chicken or turkey. It's shaped like a “V,” and each person pulls one side of it. Whoever ends up with the larger half has their wish come true!

One of the many wedding traditions is to throw rice at the bride and groom when they leave the church. This is one of the oldest traditions that today has been adapted to most cultures. So what does rice represent and what’s the tradition all about?
The throwing of rice is meant to bring
Prosperity, wealth, and happiness to the couple.
Frankly though, with the amount of money people spend on weddings these days, it would be more useful to throw wads of cash rather than rice.

The trust in superstitions makes people gradually lose the motivation to be in control of their own life. Whether we acknowledge or deny the fact, superstitions have impact on our lives. It is all part of the human psychology. Humans need to rationalize and find specifics in order to diminish the threat that massive events and occurrences hold. And if this does the trick, then why not?

Good luck! Everyone!
Thanks for your listening!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was Mother’s Day! It’s a second time we didn’t celebrated it with my mom. I have to take my class to LHU on weekend. Therefore, I made a call to my mom and said “Happy Mother’s Day!” to her. I knew she were a little bit disappointed. But she still encourage me to do my best for my new job, and don’t give up. Recently , I have to fit in my new job, so overtime everyday has been a normal situation currently. Also, it’s a last semester seems have a lot of assignments, it’s really more than I can expect. Even though I tried to study hard, but I have to handle too many things. With exhuased body, I went home after school. While I open my door, my young daughter told my that she has a gift for me to celebrate "Happy Mother's Day!" I was surprised and happy. It's a gift card with my daughter's paiting and wrote some words. Also, she bought a necklace of cute piggy to me How lovely it is! I love my sweet girl! And thanks her. That's my first time have my daughter's present. It's so meaningful to me. This means that my kids grow up gradually. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Fear of Speaking

Well, as you can see as follows. It's a script of Public Speaking for my midterm. I spent a lot of time to prepare it. Unfortunately, when I was standing in front of my classmates, I was shy and nervous again! My whole body was lost control, then couldn't stop shaking. My brain was empty, so that I couldn't remember any words that I wanted to express. To review my weakness is I am always afraid of talking to public, that is to say, I don't have enough confidence. Of course, I was really not satisfied with my performance and felt discouraged at this time. I have a lot of chance to speak English during university, but I still couldn't overcome it. Speaking is not a easy thing. You have to open your mind, believe yourself and have more confidence. Don't care about the reaction of audiences. In addition, there is a proverb to say, "Practice makes perfect." If I can prepare well, and keep going to practice. I believe that I can conquer the fear some day. Go! Go!

My Speech Script- Introduce Gizan Hot Springs of Japan

Good evening, everyone. First of all, let me thank you all for being here today. I am Kitty Hsu. Please listen carefully (play song)

Slide 1:
Guess what? This song is related to one famous TV drama in Taiwan. Did you ever watch it before? Who can tell me what drama name is….Yes, it’s called “阿信(Oshin)”. Don’t worry! I don’t want to tell you its story.

Slide 2 & 3:
Instead, I would like to bring you to explore 阿信’s hometown, Yamagata(山形) Prefecture, a place with great natural beauty and traditional culture. It is located at the southwest corner, and about 300 km from Tokyo, 72% is covered by forest.

Slide 4:
Today’s topic will focus on my favorite place in Yamagata-it is called Ginzan(銀山) Hot Springs.
So, let me first give you a brief overview.

Slide 5:
The presentation will be divided into four parts. First, I will briefly introduce its history. Secondly, I will tell you its features. That is why this place is so popular for tourism. Thirdly, I will show you its facilities and dishes. After that, of course, transportation is “MUST KNOW” information. Finally, I will end with some beautiful photos, and then summarize it. The presentation will take about 5 minutes. There will be time for questions after my presentation.
All right, let’s now move on to next slide,

Slide 6:
History: It goes back approximately 400 years and it was discovered by silver ore miners. These villages were built in these two dynasties (Taisho大正 & early Showa昭和 eras).

Slide 7: Features:
*Ginzan Hot Springs evoke the atmosphere of old Japan. It’s really fascinating.
*The water is milky-white and has medical curing.
*There is also has warm footbath on the promenade. Anyone can take a moment to sit down and warm up.*Its temperatures are hottest than most. (Over 55℃ (Celsius/Centigrade)(131°F). Because of setting for drama Oshin, it has become incredibly popular, attracting large numbers tourists from not only Japan, but all over the world.
Let’s now take a look at next slide

Slide 8:
It is totally 15 lodging facilities. You can choose one of lodging for your favorite.

Slide 9:
Absorbing scenery with best hot springs and then eating native Japanese foods, what a wonderful day is!

Slide 10:
Travel 30 minutes by Shinkansen from JR Yamagata Station to JR Oishida Station. Transfer to the bound bus and take it for about 40 minutes to reach the Ginzan Hot Springs.

Slide 11: Next, it’s a map for more details to see where Ginzan is.

Slide 12:
Please look at the photos! These are my favorite collections!!!
Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.

Slide 13 & 14
In conclusion, I had been there with my colleagues for one day trip. Just a half day, then I was deeply attracted and enjoyed by its fresh air, landscape, traditional villages and hot springs. If you plan to visit Japan, I will highly recommend you that it will be the best choice, especially in winter or spring seasons. Of course, there are famous for these traditional Oshin’s Kokeshi dolls. You can buy ones as great souvenirs for your friends. Thanks for your listening. Are there any questions?

Monday, April 5, 2010

To Make a Home Sweet

A proverb says, “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” Our home includes not only the building in which we live, but also the family atmosphere that the people living there create.

It goes without saying that a sweet home is necessary for a peaceful society. To make our home sweet we can decorate it according to the style we like most. We must also regularly clean the house and repair things when required. In order to create a warm and intimate atmosphere, we must show respect to, and love, the people we live with.

The importance of having a sweet home cannot be overemphasized. If we do our best to care for it, our home will always be sweet.

Reading Newspaper as Habit

No newspaper these days contents itself with the mere presentation of news. For a very small amount of money each day, we are not simply informed of affairs of national and international importance. We are given photographs of people and places. This is not all we get for our money. There is always plenty of advice about what plays or films to see; what books to read, how we should dress, what we should eat, and where we should spend our holidays.

And in case we have nothing better to do, we are provided with the most effective of time-killers: quizzes and crossword- puzzles.

There are many newspapers on sale every day and most people like to read them. As many people do not have much free time, it is important to read articles that are useful to us. If you don't have time to buy newspaper, you also can surf internet to overview all free news.

The newspapers gives us an up-to-date summary of what is going on in the world, both at home and broad, at the present time. And some newspapers have several very-well written essays which can broaden our horizon and increase our language ability.

In conclusion, reading a good newspaper can greatly help us students in our studies.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breakfast is important

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Everyone must know that a good breakfast can provide the nutrients for people need to start their day off right.

Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast will do better in school than children who do not.

Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attendance and decreased hyperactivity. Children who don't eat breakfast tend to perform not as well, and also tend to have behavior problems such as fighting, stealing, and not listening to their teachers (from Dr. Ronald Kleinman, Harvard Medical School).

If your child eats breakfast at home, choose a breakfast with
milk, fruit and cereal(grain product). These three foods can provide for a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast does not need to take a lot of time.

Breakfast is indeed a very important meal. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day.

In general, kids and teens who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day. Without breakfast, people can get irritable, restless, and tired. So make time for breakfast — for you and your kids.