Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Need a Guide Line

Dear Brother,

It's been a while didn't say Hello to you and your family. How's going?

I have looked for a new job for five months. It's really difficult to find a new job in Taiwan. I think that it will be have same situation in USA.

After long searching and frustrate, then I got a interview chance from a company yesterday, and I may have chance to get in there. I am still waiting for their confirmation; wishing I am lucky enough. Tomorrow will be have another company for interview, God bless me!

I have studied at LungHwa University on Staturday and Sunday for one year. If I am successful, I would graduate from LungHwa next year. Following is my English blog for your information. It's a assignment for English Writing. It's really a tough homework for me.

It would be appreciated, if you have free time to comment some ideas for my English Writing, especially for grammar. That will be helpful to improve my English Writing. I knew you are very very busy guy, just take a look in your break time, that will be fine. By the way, don't be surprised when you saw this letter again in my blog. After all, I need more essays to fulfill my assignment. Yes, you save my life!

Say Hello to your family.

I miss you all and Happy Moon Festival!

Your Sister- Kitty

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Semester and New Busy Life

The summer vacation will be ended in this weekend. I am still sitting right here and trying to do my fiftieth English essays. I am running out of my words, and don't know how to write my last one. "Yeap! Why not just write something about my training courses?" I was thinking...

Recently, I have taken training courses from Occupation Train Education Association for 39 days. The course is start from Monday to Friday at 9:00 am to 4:30 pm; it's really a hard work for me to sit right there all day. Then you have to pay your fully attention on the courses. I try to do my best to concentrate on the class. But I felt tired and exhausted. After all, it's not my expertise. As I said on the previous essay, it's really a brand new course for me. Luckily, our teachers are the best one, they teach us a lot of skills and encourage us; as they said -we should hang on and don't give it up! They shared their many experiance in seeking for new job.

Therefore, I made up my mind and set a new goal-I hope I can pass the TQC exam after the training course ended. But on this Saturday, I have to go back to LungHwa for new sememter, so how to balance the busy days between training course and LungHwa, it's a new topic to me. But I think I can overcome it.