The reason why I wrote this letter was because my teacher of English Writing gave us assignment yesterday. Everyone has to set up a website to write down something that you care about it; and when you finished your forty essays, then you can get the 30% point for next semester in Writing Course. It looks like a diary and you have to use in English.
I think that it's a better way to improve my writing skill. It's really good for me to share my feeling and thinking from my blog. It's very interesting, but how can I finish 40 essays at the end of May 31, 2009? It's a brand new experience to me. I hope that I could achieve the target in time.
這個留言是要提醒你,請多利用年假時間,寫English blog,以免開學後事情多,壓縮寫作時間。
還有再次提醒你,我們下學期「高級英文閱讀」寒假作業Book Review做法:
1. 為提升閱讀能力,強化寫作練習,並且有效利用春節假期,希望同學利用寒假時間閱讀至少一本書並且撰寫book review一篇。這項作業將於開學我們第一次見面時收,就是2月21日(星期六);作業成績將佔97(二)「高級英文閱讀」總成績10%。本項作業不接受補交,當日未繳,就沒有這10%的成績。
2. 讀什麼書:歐美通俗或經典小說、暢銷書(含理財、通俗心理學等)頁數150以上皆可。唯不可以是教科書。
3. 撰寫格式:
1) 為了防制「複製」、「貼上」,一律手寫;字體大小14 pt.;單行間距;至少寫滿三張A4。
2) 內容:
1. Title
2. Author
3. Publisher
4. Date of publication
5. No. of pages
6. Major characters
7. Plot summary
8. Comments (至少一頁)
3) 為了確定你讀了此書,請附一張你和這本書合照的列印。